Baltic Medservice is a distributor of medical devices and goods in Lithuania and other Baltic countries. Our key products and areas are dental laser, dental implants, in-clinic teeth bleaching, self-cleaning dental mirror, etc.
Baltic Medservice is a distributor of Hi-Tec Implants, Ltd. (Israel) products in Baltic countries. Hi-Tec Implants is manufacturer of dental implants since 1990 and has rich clinical experience and wide range of dental implants and prosthetics. All Hi-Tec Implants products meet highest quality requirements and are distributed to the biggest global markets in US, EU, etc.

Diode soft tissue laser is becoming a very popular device in everyday dentistry. We distribute traditional infrared diode laser and new generation blue laser from Pioon Technology Co., Ltd. which is an innovative thinking, full service medical device design and manufacturing company specializing in laser technology for the medical market. Pioon’s team of engineers have over 10 years of combined experience designing highly innovative and creative medical lasers, from the low power level laser therapy systems to sophisticated, high-end Class IV surgical lasers. Lasers of Pioon Technologies are used in dentistry, PLDD (Percutaneous Laser Disk Decompression), EVLT (Endovenous Laser Ablation), Proctology, Aestetic (Lypolisis), etc.

Laser assisted teeth whitening is one of the most effective bleaching methods. Laser energy is used to activate bleaching agent and increase effect on discolored teeth. Our company supplies JW Power Bleaching NEXT which is the next generation of the proven JW Power Bleaching Gel for lasers manufactured by Heydent GmbH (Germany). The JW Power Bleaching NEXT is easier to apply due to a double cartridge and a mixing tip. It can be used without any light source but gets better results with lamps and the best with diode lasers. The bleaching kit also contains Liquid Dam for gums protection.

Yirro-plus® dental mirror system produced by DHM-dental B. V., is a revolutionary concept of a self cleaning dental mirror based on a controllable air flow cleaning the mirror surface. It has an ultra reflective front surface what ensures the user maximum comfort of a continuous visual during any procedure. Yirro-plus® offers a seamless implementation within daily routines for the dental specialists. The system has proven to be effective and chair time saving and is easy to clean and install.

Over the past 20 years, there have been significant developments of clear aligners for orthodontic treatment. An essential element of this treatment is interproximal enamel reduction (IPR), which allows the creation of sufficient interproximal space to facilitate tooth movement during orthodontic treatment. An important technological change that helps to achieve good treatment results and increase the safety of the procedure is the introduction of automatic IPR performed with a special device. DS Dentasonic SA (Switzerland) has always been at the forefront of IPR technologies and has developed a reliable protocol that allows millions of doctors around the world to work completely safely, avoid excessive tooth enamel loss (over reduction), discomfort for the patient and significantly shorten the procedure time.

Since establishment in 2010 our main goal is to become a reliable partner for medical profesionals, odontological clinics and manufacturers. We help our customers to work more efficiently and comfortably, to introduce innovative devices and practices with the best possible cost/benefit ratio. Our key strenghts are agility, flexibility and knowledge of the clinical area.
Baltic Medservice – your reliable partner!

Baltic Medservice, JSC
T. +370 616 70039
Laisvės 125, 06118 Vilnius, Lithuania
Company Code 302591505
VAT code LT100005917618